Friday, January 8, 2010



Blog far and wide:

Islam is a religion of peace. The word Islam is derived from the word “Salaam” which means peace. The cause of terrorism is not Islam but the burning of fossil fuels. Anyone who is a major participant in the commerce derived from burning fossil fuels, the obstruction of the development of a thriving and blossoming industry of renewable energy sources, is also a major participant in the war OF terror, no matter which side of this abomination he is on. The only way to defeat terrorists as well as a to defeat terror itself is to cut off their oil and money supply at both sources, i.e. on both sides of the Atlantic and Mediterranean, by aggressively investing now, NOT LATER, in solar, wind, water and other sources of permanently renewable energy. Thus, a green economy has 3 huge benefits, reasons for existing and desperate needs to exist:

  1. Stop global warming.

  2. Stop terrorism in its own tracks.

  3. Bring jobs back to people.

Yet today the U.S. government continues to support terror and terrorists by refusing to make this its number ONE priority.

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